You will notice the keyword parameter list is a small part of the larger picture of metadata in the image. 您会注意到关键字参数列表仅仅是图像元数据的一小部分。
The obvious keyword parameter is first. 显而易见,首先就是keyword参数。
To use this additional logging, append the keyword and the value to the log level parameter, separated by a colon(:). 要使用这些额外的日志记录,将关键字和值附加到日志级别参数,用冒号(:)分割。
The main similarity between these two methods is that they both take one keyword as a parameter and return one or more exact matching documents as a result. 这两个方法主要的共同之处是,它们都使用一个关键字作为参数,并返回一个或多个精确匹配的文档作为结果。
Once the keyword and display parameter hash has been built, we can move on to our simple keyword matching subroutine: matchWords. 构建了关键字和显示参数散列之后,接下来我们可以查看简单的关键字匹配子程序:matchWords。
With this option, the keyword typename is generated for every template parameter of type class. 通过这一选项,关键字typename被生成用来类类型的每一个模板参数。
This article summarized the pattern that can match the number of parameters, parameter order, parameter types, keyword information and semantic information of parameter names. 本文总结归纳出匹配形式可以有参数个数匹配、参数次序匹配、参数类型匹配、参数名称的关键字匹配和语义匹配。